Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Controversy of Genetic Cloning - 873 Words

Genetic cloning is one of the most controversial topics of all time. People, specifically scientists, are constantly searching for ways to improve the quality of human life. As a result, they began genetically engineering animals and are currently in search of a method to genetically engineer humans as well; which is called human cloning. There are many reasons why people should not go forward with this step since genetic cloning, consequently human cloning, does not respect nature nor does it ensure diversity and survival in natural ecosystems. In addition, genetic cloning is a cruel, harsh, and an unsafe experiment. Genetic cloning is defined as the production of a living being that is exactly identical to an existing living being from which it will originate. The two main purposes of cloning are to take a step towards immortality, since one can create an exact younger copy of oneself, and to rescue endangered species which may be of great medical potential to human beings. Other minor purposes include having a better sense of identity, hope, and religious freedom. One can study one’s identity better through cloning, since it is always easier for someone to judge other people in front of them when compared to judging their own selves directly. Hope is brought about through cloning since scientists would feel like they have mastered every single aspect in life-they could give rise to human beings after all. Two religions, the Raelian Religion and the Summum ReligionShow MoreRelatedThe Controversy Of Cloning And Genetic Engineering Essay2004 Words   |  9 Pagesour limit and Eternity our measurement – Marcus Garvey (1887-1940). Cloning and genetically modifying humans is now more attainable than ever due to strides made by science. 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